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Sungguh mengagumkan umat ISLAM saat Sholat taraweh di Masjidi Harom Mekah

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013 | Sabtu, Juli 20, 2013

Sungguh mengagumkan umat islam saat Sholat taraweh di mekah, this is Masjid ul Haram, which is in Makkah, a city in Saudia Arabia, the City where our beloved Prophet Muhammad was born and where the Kaaba is ( The Square Building with black cloth on it). This is the Holiest City/Place in the Islamic World, Second is Medina Where the prophets Mosque is (Masjid ul Nabawi) then third is Masjid al Aqsa which is in Palastine.

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